Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 6-10, Welcome Back!

In our first week back to school in January, we were greeted with cold temperatures!  The frigid temps went perfect with our Arctic Animals theme for the week.  Not only did we have fun learning about penguins and polar bears, but we also enjoyed checking out some of natures's cold weather wonders.  

Even though it was freezing outside, we could not resist bundling up in all of our winter wear to walk outside and admire the beautiful icicles in the fountain. 

Penguins, Polar Bears, and the letter P were our focus of the week.  We made cute penguin mosaics by using our fine motor skills to tear small pieces of black and white paper and then glued them into the shape of a penguin.  They turned out super cute and are now decorating our hallway outside of the classroom!

Pipe cleaner number beading.  The students used their counting skills and fine motor skills to string the correct number of beads on a pipe cleaner.

We also had fun playing with snow and polar animals!


Sharpening our hand writing skills by tracing the letter P

Getting messy with shaving cream and glue to make puffy polar bears

We also had to check out the field with the icicles on the ground and hear the ice crunch beneath our feet!

Another Pp activity: Mr. Potato Head

One morning we gave the students random bits of paper, glue, scissors, and markers at the table and let their imagination and creativity take hold!

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